

2024-09-02 03:34:27 编辑:zane 浏览量:613



‌Sheldon Cooper,一个在《‌生活大爆炸》中深受观众喜爱的角色,以其独特的个性和智慧赢得了许多粉丝。他的经典语录不仅展示了他的智慧和幽默,也反映了他对生活、友情和爱情的独特见解。以下是一些Sheldon Cooper的经典语录:“The need to find another human being to share one's life with, has always puzzled me. Maybe because I'm so interesting all by myself with that being said. May you find as much happiness with each other as I find on my own.” 这句话反映了Sheldon对于人际关系的独特看法,他认为寻找伴侣的需求一直让他感到困惑,因为他觉得自己一个人也很精彩。‌“The true hero doesn't seek adulation. He fights for right and justice simply because it's his nature.” Sheldon认为真正的英雄不会为了名声而战,而是出于本性去维护正义和公平。“Friends are like toilet paper. Always good to keep a few rolls under the sink.” 这句话以一种幽默的方式表达了Sheldon对于友情的看法,他认为朋友就像厕纸一样,总是需要的。“Photographic memory is a misnomer. I have an eidetic memory as I've told you many times, most recently last year at lunch on the afternoon of May 7th. You had turkey and complained it was dry.” Sheldon纠正了“摄影式记忆”的说法,指出自己拥有的是一种高清图像式记忆。‌“In the words of Khan Noonien Singh in the immortal Wrath of Khan, 'He tasks me, he tasks me and I shall have him. From Hell's heart I stab at thee!'" 这句话引用了电影《星际迷航》中的经典台词,展示了Sheldon对科幻的热爱。这些语录只是Sheldon众多精彩言论的一小部分,通过这些话语,我们可以看到他的智慧、幽默以及对科学和哲学的深刻理解。


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